Start the Day with an Experiment

One of the most fun things about eating healthily is trying new and unusual fruits and vegetables. Yesterday we were shopping and spotted a granadilla, a semi-tropical, round, orange, shiny fruit. But what to do with it?

We made a use-it-up fruit salad that included a banana, chopped pear, chopped apple, a few walnuts (cleaning up the pantry) and a cup of fat-free plain yogurt. The fruit provided the sweetness. Spooning this mixture into bowls after stirring so the yogurt coated everything, we cut into the mystery fruit and scooped its seedy interior on top. The insides are reminiscent of passion fruit or pomegranate, with crunchy, gel-encased seeds. It makes a berry-ish, crunchy-sweet topping and a delicious way to start the day. Was it worth a buck-ninety-nine? As an everyday addition to the grocery budget, perhaps not, but layering that with the fun factor of discovering a new taste, I’d say it was great value.


It's a Blue Kind of Day

ImageWhat a wild weather week we’ve had! From knee-deep snow and frigid temperatures, the thermometer dropped yesterday and we had rain and high winds overnight. Now the sun is doing her best to break through the clouds, illuminating spots in the woods with her brilliant gaze. We’ve put the slow cooker on for a pot-roast dinner, and prepared for whatever the blustery day brings with some blueberry whole-wheat pancakes.

Whatever the weather, we’re grateful – for friends, family (thanks for the call last night!), and the good fortune to live with a big garden, great neighbours, and a view of the Bay.

Sometimes Simple is Best


We started the morning with a serious workout, so a heavy breakfast seemed to defeat the purpose. It was a great opportunity to continue our exploration of the treats we began socking away in the freezer last summer!

Blueberries! Quick frozen without sugar, they only take a few minutes to thaw. (Or a minute or so in the micro if you are really in a rush). Top these with some organic yogurt, plain and unsweetened. A sprinkle of cinnamon will trick your tongue into thinking there is sugar, and if you add the crunch of a tablespoon or two of chopped almonds (roasted without salt) it is like a breakfast parfait. Round it out with half an English muffin and some peanut butter for extra protein. Tasty, fast, go!

50 Ways to Eat Your Apples

It all started with a trip to the Valley. Two beautiful 20-pound bags of apples – Cortlands, and the apples I have longed for over my long absence from Nova Scotia: Gravensteins. Of course, combine this with a busy life, a business trip, and a couple of days off sick, and I have had to start coming up with apple ideas.

There are the usual, of course, like pies, or just eating these delicious orbs as is. (And on that note, I challenge anyone to claim they really find Red Delicious apples to be anything close to delicious!) We’re poring over recipes for mincemeat, chutney, and more. Yesterday we canned a supply of applesauce to last over the winter. But this morning, a simple solution: whole wheat cinnamon apple pancakes. Warm and tasty after a night of howling wind and rain, they will sustain us through what promises to be a dreary day. For that we’re grateful.


Wholesome Whole Wheat Crepes


125ml (1/2 c) whole wheat flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
125ml (1/2 c) 1% milk
65ml (1/4 c) water
10ml (2T) butter, melted
1 large egg
Cooking spray

Gently mix all but cooking spray together with a whisk. Refrigerate 1/2 an hour. This will give a thinner crepe.

Meanwhile prepare toppings – we whisked some cream and prepped fresh berries, but a creamy seafood or chicken filling works well also.

To cook, heat a medium sized nonstick pan on medium heat. Spray w cooking spray or wipe w a paper towel dipped in canola oil.

Pour in about 1/4 c batter and swirl to a thin layer. When surface is dry, flip gently and cook a few seconds more. Place in warmed oven that has been turned off, on a tea towel.

Repeat. Makes 6 crepes, 2 servings.

Sweet Sunday Startup

20130609-090558.jpgSweet Sunday morning! For us, it’s a combination of relaxing and getting ready for Mass. But no matter what your Sunday looks like, it’s great to get it off to a shining start.

Having had a very rainy, windy Saturday, something warming was called for. We discovered some dried cranberries during the cupboard cleanup and the idea was born: French Toast with apple, cranberries, cinnamon, walnuts and maple syrup. A great local breakfast, especially since Acadian Maple Products are just down the road. But even if they’re not your neighbours, you can order their amber deliciousness online.

Date Night


Sticking with a healthy eating plan means making good choices, but for those of us brought up to not waste food, sometimes the food prompts the menu, rather than the other way around. In this case, four rapidly-ripening bananas and a bunch of leftover dates from holiday baking needed to be used or thrown away. There was only one solution: banana date muffins. We started with a basic whole wheat muffin batter and added four mashed bananas, a cup of chopped dates, and half a cup of ground hemp seed (thanks Mariposa!)

Just one of these tasty muffins has enough calories, fibre, protein and fruity goodness to carry us through the morning. The rest are in the freezer for one of those days when shoveling takes precedence over breakfast making…we know they’re coming!

A Smooth Sendoff…with a Kick!


One of the best ways to up your personal productivity is to get the day off to a good start, and that means eating breakfast. I know, that seems easier said than done, but here is a great smoothie for two that takes almost no time, and will put a little spice in your step:

500ml/2c frozen berries
500ml/2c plain no fat organic yogurt
250ml/1c 1% milk
30ml/2T Justus Spicy Mexican Hot Chocolate mix

Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Thanks to the folks at Justus coffee for getting us off and running!

First Meal of 2013

20130101-084409.jpg the holidays are winding down and it’s time to get back on track. We plan to be in shape to seize every opportunity. Even in a hotel I can manage a healthy start with yogurt, berries, and walnuts from the buffet. (Amazing trick for weight loss: just because it is there and free, doesn’t mean I have to eat it!)

Happy New Year!

Pancakes Again!


The great thing about pancakes is that most recipes make a large batch, enough for a family. But when there are only two of you, what can you do? Of course there’s always the option of going to a local breakfast place, if you have one close by. But even then, the portions are usually unhealthily large. If you make them at home, your best friend is the freezer. Freeze them in a single layer in zipper bags, and then when you want pancakes again, simply pop them in the toaster on the lowest setting (oven or micro will work as well, but the toaster is so easy!)

Today we warmed up some frozen mixed berries and a sliced banana, and then topped them with Greek yogurt and roasted almonds. That should keep us warm for a hike on the beach!