2c/250ml brown sugar
2c/500ml seedless raisins
2c/500ml water
2T/30ml lard
1t/5ml ground ginger
1t/5ml cloves
1t/5ml salt
3c/750ml flour
1t/5ml baking soda
1t/5ml hot water
For Christmas, add 1c/250ml glacé cherries with the flour!
Preheat oven to 375F/190C.
Grease a loaf pan and line the bottom with parchment or kraft paper, greasing again.
Boil the sugar, raisins, lard, spices and lard in the water. Allow to boil 5 minutes.
Remove from heat. When just warm, dissolve baking soda in water and add (it will foam!) stir in flour quickly, just until mixed.
Turn into pan (makes a large loaf or alternately 2 8″ rounds) and bake 50-55 minutes.
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