Out to Pasture

It’s coming! Spring has nearly sprung. Today we were at the Halifax Seaport Market and picked up a delicious steak from Pasture Hill Farm. That, with a few blue fingerlings and a salad seemed like it would be a heavenly choice. We were just tallying up our purchases and we spotted them: local grape tomatoes from Den Haan’s. I wish there was a recipe here, but this is it: grill steak, boil potato, make salad, dream of sprong


Grilling on our Minds


Yesterday was glorious! Sunny, mild, breezy, and offering just a taste of spring. The clouds have moved in again and the wind is chillier as it blows up from the bay, but the yearning for spring salads isn’t diminished.

We grilled a steak and searched for provisions in the fridge – some spinach, a few leftover pickled beets, and an end of goat cheddar. With the addition of some walnuts and a drizzle of spicy mango dressing, it seemed like a good transition from the soups and stews of winter to the salad days we know are coming.

A Smooth Sendoff…with a Kick!


One of the best ways to up your personal productivity is to get the day off to a good start, and that means eating breakfast. I know, that seems easier said than done, but here is a great smoothie for two that takes almost no time, and will put a little spice in your step:

500ml/2c frozen berries
500ml/2c plain no fat organic yogurt
250ml/1c 1% milk
30ml/2T Justus Spicy Mexican Hot Chocolate mix

Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Thanks to the folks at Justus coffee for getting us off and running!

On the straight and narrow


As we rang in 2013, we gathered in Toronto for Dad W’s 80th birthday. What a celebration! However the celebratory photographs revealed that the “middle generation” all had some work to do in the healthy eating department. Since returning to Nova Scotia we are making sure to also return to a proper diet and exercise regime. That includes careful meal planning and at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

The great part of this is rediscovering favourite recipes we’ve been ignoring, like this one from Cooking Light.

First Meal of 2013

20130101-084409.jpg the holidays are winding down and it’s time to get back on track. We plan to be in shape to seize every opportunity. Even in a hotel I can manage a healthy start with yogurt, berries, and walnuts from the buffet. (Amazing trick for weight loss: just because it is there and free, doesn’t mean I have to eat it!)

Happy New Year!

Real food is important!

20121130-060036.jpg Silly season has begun…when our workdays are busy but we also have social events every night. The food choices tend to be highly caloric and low on nutrition. This week our solution has been to keep snacking to a minimum, then make something satisfying when we get home, like this delicious salmon risotto. Sorry for the low light, but candles make every day better!

Ignore Your Food

20121125-212410.jpg What a day! We worked a good part of the afternoon on our garden,then retired to work on our Christmas cards. For dinner, a lovely slab of local salmon, which will continue to feed us in the days to come.

We started by making a modified “Potatoes Anna”, with sage and some Old Growlet cheese interspersed. Halfway to done, we popped the salmon in the oven, rubbed with olive oil and sprinkled with chipotle powder. A few lightly-cooked carrots on the side, and we were satisfied.

…You've Gotta Break a Few Eggs


We got up early yesterday…lots to do! We fueled up with a delicious omelette – all fresh and local. Eggs, a yellow pepper, green onions, shiitakes, and a little shred of cheddar.

Pancakes Again!


The great thing about pancakes is that most recipes make a large batch, enough for a family. But when there are only two of you, what can you do? Of course there’s always the option of going to a local breakfast place, if you have one close by. But even then, the portions are usually unhealthily large. If you make them at home, your best friend is the freezer. Freeze them in a single layer in zipper bags, and then when you want pancakes again, simply pop them in the toaster on the lowest setting (oven or micro will work as well, but the toaster is so easy!)

Today we warmed up some frozen mixed berries and a sliced banana, and then topped them with Greek yogurt and roasted almonds. That should keep us warm for a hike on the beach!

Peachy Pancakes


We’re heading down to the Valley today, to visit 99-year-old Grammy Hergett. So it seemed fitting to start the day with pancakes that remind us of the ones she used to make. We’ve updated the recipe (see our Whole Wheat Pancakes in the recipe tab) but kept all of the taste. Today we served them with Mom’s home-canned peaches and a little Greek-style yogurt.