A Fresh Start


Hurricane season is underway and here in Nova Scotia we spend a lot of time with our eyes cast skyward. Today we’re expecting a bit of weather…no hurricane, but definitely some serious wind and rain. On a day like that, a serious breakfast is called for. So we rolled out some green tomato bennies to get us started off on the right foot.

Top a toasted English muffin with sliced tomato and a little prosciutto, then a poached egg. For the blender hollandaise, blend an egg yolk, a small squeeze of lime juice, a little hot sauce and a dash of dry mustard. Blend, and meanwhile heat an ounce of butter in the microwave til boiling. Keep the blender running and pour the butter into the egg in a thin stream – it will cook while you do this.

Serve and enjoy.


Pancakes Gone Wild


We have almost completed our first year in our home near the ocean, and we continue to have new food discoveries every day. Our woods are full of blueberries – can you imagine picking fresh berries for breakfast, just outside your door? We can’t help but feel grateful.

The recipe for these under the recipe tab – Tuesday (or any day) Pancakes. Just add some fresh berries to the batter after mixing! We served ours with wild blueberry syrup.

Wholesome Whole Wheat Crepes


125ml (1/2 c) whole wheat flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
125ml (1/2 c) 1% milk
65ml (1/4 c) water
10ml (2T) butter, melted
1 large egg
Cooking spray

Gently mix all but cooking spray together with a whisk. Refrigerate 1/2 an hour. This will give a thinner crepe.

Meanwhile prepare toppings – we whisked some cream and prepped fresh berries, but a creamy seafood or chicken filling works well also.

To cook, heat a medium sized nonstick pan on medium heat. Spray w cooking spray or wipe w a paper towel dipped in canola oil.

Pour in about 1/4 c batter and swirl to a thin layer. When surface is dry, flip gently and cook a few seconds more. Place in warmed oven that has been turned off, on a tea towel.

Repeat. Makes 6 crepes, 2 servings.

Can't Put a Damper on This Canada Day

Well, it has been a soggy Canada Day weekend, and today’s forecast doesn’t look promising. However our family has a sure-fire start to the day, no matter the meteorological outlook. It begins like this:

20130701-084826.jpg. Everyone has a favorite way to eat fresh, local strawberries, and in our house it’s shortcake. But cake is really a misnomer, because it has to have biscuits along with the freshly-whipped cream. And before it disappears, it looks like this:


Happy 146th birthday, Canada. Have a safe and wonderful day. Oh, and Happy Birthday to you too, Dad!

Thinking Back to Winter

This was a post in the wintertime…but on a blustery, rainy day it would taste just as sweet!


As we were hiding inside waiting to see what the blizzard would bring, we wanted something hot and delicious for breakfast. French toast seemed like a good idea. But how could we make it even better? We added a heaping tablespoon of Just Us! coffee’s Mexican Hot Chocolate mix to the egg wash. Topping it all with some sliced banana, pecans, and maple syrup from Acadian Maple Products, made our tummies smile.

Faster than Hollandaise

If someone tapped into our social network today, they might even discover what we’ve had for breakfast. In the midst of the net crawling, personal info spying controversy that is filling up the (do we still say airwaves?) we’re still talking about food.

Today, a quick substitute for Eggs Benedict. All the rich creaminess, topped with a poached egg, but fast and easy enough for a workday. Here you go, Internet spies, here’s the recipe:

For two:
2 toasted whole wheat English muffins
1 avocado, mashed, with the juice of 1/2 lime
4 poached eggs
Cracked pepper
Chipotle powder

Spread the English muffins with the pepper. Top with eggs, and sprinkle with chipotle powder to taste. Enjoy!


Sweet Sunday Startup

20130609-090558.jpgSweet Sunday morning! For us, it’s a combination of relaxing and getting ready for Mass. But no matter what your Sunday looks like, it’s great to get it off to a shining start.

Having had a very rainy, windy Saturday, something warming was called for. We discovered some dried cranberries during the cupboard cleanup and the idea was born: French Toast with apple, cranberries, cinnamon, walnuts and maple syrup. A great local breakfast, especially since Acadian Maple Products are just down the road. But even if they’re not your neighbours, you can order their amber deliciousness online.

Isn't it Ironic?

On this chilly Saturday we’re fueling up for a day of painting and home improvement. The irony is not lost on us that we’re dining on an English muffin and cream cheese, topped with smoked salmon from our favourite French charcuterie, Ratinaud.

20130518-085608.jpg Délicieux!

On the side, local hothouse cucumbers and baby tomatoes. C’mon sun!

Making a Hash of Breakfast

20130505-082849.jpgThis time of year, it gets easier and easier to eat local food, even on the chilly windswept coast. Greens and hardy veg are growing in the garden in our cold frames, and hothouse peppers are making an appearance. With all the beauty and deliciousness of the garden, it is work (and lots of it), especially a first year garden like ours. So we feel fully justified in eating a breakfast that has too many calories for a regular workday.

For two:

Half a small orange pepper
1 stalk celery
1 small diced onion
2 diced potatoes
4 Cremini mushrooms
2 Cavicchi’s sausage patties, made into tiny meatballs
2 large eggs

Cook the vegetables in a nonstick or cast iron skillet with about 5ml/1 tsp olive oil. Lidding the pan will help the potatoes soften. Stir once or twice. When the potatoes are nearly tender, sprinkle the sausage balls on top and cover, allow them to sit on low heat until the sausage are cooked (2-3 minutes). Stir. Crack the eggs on top, cover, and cook until the eggs are done as you like.enjoy. We did!

Our (Toast) Cup Runneth Over


What a weekend! Yesterday we installed the first of two new cold frames in the garden. We’re very excited to see what produce we’ll be able to grow in the first year of this new plot. Certainly we have many, many seedlings started, but the wild card will be the animals. No more raccoons, but certainly squirrels, crows, and we hear, deer.

After a day of house and yard work, it was a perfect evening of barbecue with good friends. We’ve awoken to a glorious sunny day with the sun glinting off the bay. How can you feel anything but grateful. So in celebration, a special breakfast – toast cups with tarragon mustard, Cavicchi’s sausage, jumbo poached egg, and some sliced tomato. Bring on the gardening!